1. Wang Yue | Changi General Hospital - National Cancer Centre Singapore
Conditions Treated by this Doctor: Abnormal Heart Rhythm / Arrhythmia, Cardiac Arrest (Sudden Cardiac Death), Coronary Artery Disease/Coronary Heart Disease, ...
Clin Asst Prof Wang Yue is a Consultant with the Department of Cardiology at Changi General Hospital.
2. Yue Wang, PhD - Indiana University School of Medicine
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Dr. Wang received her PhD in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Indiana University in 2006, working in the laboratory of Dr. Grant Nicol on the role of Neurofibromine, nerve growth factor and Ras signaling cascade in controlling the excitability of sensory neurons. Postdoctoral training with Dr. Daniel Meldrum (Indiana University) focused on progenitor cell therapy against acute myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury. She joined the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at the Indiana University School of Medicine in 2011, continuing to study the mechanisms and action of progenitor cells in tissue protection. She became interested in the biology of different types of stem cells and the underlying mechanisms involved in cardiac repair and wound healing. She has continued to study the paracrine factors/exosomes regulate pro-survival and pro-angiogenesis signaling with potential implication for tissue repair and regeneration.
3. Health Agreement Asks Chinese People to Help Strangers
Aug 11, 2015 · A recent agreement between the American Heart Association and China could reduce deaths from heart attack and stroke in China and, possibly, beyond.
The American Heart Association and China recently created a first-ever partnership that was years in the making. The benefit of this partnership might save lives in China, the U.S. and beyond. But one concern remains: are people in China willing to help a stranger who is having a heart attack?
4. Chinese Toddler in Hit and Run Video Dies: Wang Yue's Death Sparks ...
Oct 22, 2011 · The child died of brain and organ failure, the Guangzhou Military District General Hospital said in a statement, according to The Associated ...
The two-year-old Chinese girl, Wang Yue, who was run over by a car and ignored by 18 passersby without anyone saving her, even as the second car drove over her legs, has passed away in a hospital
5. Chinese Toddler Run Over: Wang Yue's Condition Unclear (VIDEO)
Oct 19, 2011 · The rest of her condition, including blood pressure and heart beat, shows signs of stability. However, the child's life is still in danger ...
WATCH: Conflicting Reports Regarding Condition Of 2-Year-Old Hit-And-Run Victim
6. Chinese toddler left for dead in hit-and-run crash dies - BBC News
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A two-year-old girl in southern China, who was run over by two vans in an incident which shocked the country, has died, hospital officials say.
7. Wang Yue - SingHealth Duke-NUS
Clin Asst Prof Wang Yue is a Consultant with the Department of Cardiology ... Coronary Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Disease.
Clin Asst Prof Wang Yue is a Consultant with the Department of Cardiology at Changi General Hospital.
8. Spironolactone Use is Associated with Better Survival in Heart Failure ...
Jul 7, 2023 · Spironolactone use is associated with better survival in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) with concomitant angiotensin receptor ...
Background: The guidelines recommend using renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors, including spironolactone and angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB),
9. Yue Wang - Google Scholar
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Zhejiang University - Cited by 3,235 - SLAM - machine learning - data analysis
See AlsoMitsuharu Kido Esposa E HijosObjectives Stenting of coronary lesions in patients over 70 years old remains a challenging subset. The purpose of this study was to analyse the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of coronary stenting in patients with coronary heart disease over 70 years old. Methods Between May 2001 to October 2007, data were collected retrospectively on 416 patients with coronary heart disease treated with coronary stenting in our institution. At-least 6 months follow–up data were obtained and coronary angiogram was performed in the presence of clinical or stress test ischaemia. The database was analysed to exact univariate predictors of 6 months adverse events. Results A total of 416 patients were included, of 95 patients were over 70 years old (the elder group), of 321 patients were under 70 years old (the younger group). (1) The constituting ratio of pathological change contingents and involved positions among the two groups was not notable difference, p>0.05. (2) The ratio of restenosis in stents among the two groups wasn't notable difference, p>0.05. (3) The major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) rate but acute myocardial infarction among the two groups was notable difference over 6 months follow-up, p<0.01. Conclusions The Therapeutic effectiveness and safety of implanted stents in coronary heart disease patients over 70 years old was similar to the younger group, but the MACE was higher than the younger group, but the acute myocardial infarction over at-least 6-month follow-...
11. Heart patch could limit muscle damage in heart attack aftermath
Apr 17, 2019 · Yue Liu, a graduate student at Brown who led the modeling work, says the model had two key components. “One part was to model normal heart ...
Guided by computer simulations, an international team of researchers has developed an adhesive patch that can provide support for damaged heart tissue, potentially reducing the stretching of heart muscle that’s common after a heart attack.
12. Sponge-Like Action of Circular RNA Aids Heart Attack Recovery, Temple ...
Sep 20, 2019 · ... heart in mice after heart attack. Subsequent examination ... Truongcao, Maria Cimini, Yujia Yue, Grace Huang, Chunlin Wang, Cindy ...
New Temple-led research describes, for the first time, a circular RNA that fills a critical role in tissue repair after heart attack, thanks to its ability to soak up harmful molecules.
13. Cell-Based Therapy for Ischemic Heart Disease: A Clinical Update
Cell-Based Therapy for Ischemic Heart Disease: A Clinical Update. Jeremy L. Herrmann, Aaron M. Abarbanell, Brent R. Weil, Yue Wang, Meijing Wang, Jiangning Tan ...
Progenitor cell therapy is a promising treatment for ischemic heart disease. Early clinical trials of autologous bone marrow-derived progenitor cell therapy for acute and chronic myocardial ischemia showed modest functional improvements after cell delivery; however, the duration of these benefits remains unclear. Ongoing investigations continue to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which progenitor and stem cells function and how their survival and cardioprotective abilities can be improved. This review discusses: (1) relevant progenitor and stem cells in myocardial regenerative therapy, (2) routes of cell delivery to ischemic myocardium, (3) clinical trials investigating bone marrow-derived progenitor cell therapy for myocardial ischemia, and (4) future directions of the field.
14. CD8 T cells promote heart failure progression in mice with preexisting ...
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IntroductionEven under the standard medical care, patients with left ventricular (LV) failure or heart failure (HF) often progress to pulmonary hypertension ...
15. Evaluation of High Resolution Melting for MTHFR C677T Genotyping in ...
... Yue S, Zhang K, Wang H, Dong R, et al. (2016) Evaluation of High Resolution Melting for MTHFR C677T Genotyping in Congenital Heart Disease. PLoS ONE 11(3): ...
Background High resolution melting (HRM) is a simple, flexible and low-cost mutation screening technique. The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene encoding a critical enzyme, potentially affects susceptibility to some congenital defects like congenital heart disease (CHD). We evaluate the performance of HRM for genotyping of the MTHFR gene C677T locus in CHD cases and healthy controls of Chinese Han population. Methods A total of 315 blood samples from 147 CHD patients (male72, female 75) and 168 healthy controls (male 92, female 76) were enrolled in the study. HRM was utilized to genotype MTHFR C677T locus of all the samples. The results were compared to that of PCR-RFLP and Sanger sequencing. The association of the MTHFR C677T genotypes and the risk of CHD was analyzed using odds ratio with their 95% confidence interval (CIs) from unconditional logistic regression. Results All the samples were successfully genotyped by HRM within 1 hour and 30 minutes while at least 6 hours were needed for PCR-RFLP and sequencing. The genotypes of MTHFR C677T CC, CT, and TT were 9.52%, 49.66%, and 40.82% in CHD group but 29.17%, 50% and 20.83% in control group, which were identical using both methods of HRM and PCR-RFLP, demonstrating the sensitivity and specificity of HRM were all 100%. Conclusion MTHFR C677T is a potential risk factor for CHD in our local residents of Shandong province in China. HRM is a fast, sensitive, specific and reliable method for clinical applicat...
16. Fundamental Mechanisms of Regulated Cell Death and ... - OUCI
... cardiac syndromes: myocardial infarction and heart failure. The most important conclusion relevant to heart disease is that regulated forms of cardiomyocyte ...
Twelve regulated cell death programs have been described. We review in detail the basic biology of nine including death receptor-mediated apoptosis, death receptor-mediated necrosis (necroptosis), mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis, mitochondrial-mediated necrosis, autophagy-dependent cell death, ferroptosis, pyroptosis, parthanatos, and immunogenic cell death. This is followed by a dissection of the roles of these cell death programs in the major cardiac syndromes: myocardial infarction and heart failure. T…
17. Investigation on the needs of training of community doctors in the ...
LIN Xue, DENG Hong-yue, WANG Fang, SHA ... Correlation analysis of plasma Hcy and QRS duration in coronary heart disease patients with heart failure[J].
Objective To investigate the training demand of community doctors Dongcheng District of Beijing in order to promote the linkage management of the "technical scheme for grading diagnosis and treatment of heart failure" in different medical institutions(tertiary hospitals, secondary hospitals and primary health units). Methods According to the technical scheme of grading diagnosis and treatment of heart failure, a quantitative questionnaire was designed, which included 47 questions and were sent to Dongcheng Community doctors working group by Health Management Center. Results A total of 178 community doctors answered the questionnaire, with an average age of 36 years(32-47 years) and 10 years of community service(5-13 years). The percentage of the community doctors willing to take care the patients with heart failure was 88.2%; 73.6% of the community doctors thought that the patients had accepted the treatment of high-risk factors of heart failure; 52.2% of the doctors were not confident heart sounds auscultation. In the daily management of heart failure, the biggest problem was the lack of heart failure guideline training(72.5%), leading to about 75.8% doctors could not follow the guidelines, and about 79.8% doctors could not identify the indications of heart assist devices. In terms of heart failure referral, 79.8% doctors did not know the number of heart failure patients in their community, and 75.3% doctors could not contact the specialists of referral...
18. Anger and debate over hit-and-run toddler Wang Yue - BBC News
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Anger and debate continue in the Chinese media and on the internet after the toddler left injured on a road after a hit-and-run accident dies.